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Author Title
Bassui  Mud and Water
Bercholz, Samual & Kohn, Sherab Chodzin (compiled and edited)  Entering the Stream. An Introduction to the Buddha and his Teachings
Besserman, Perle & Steger, Manfred  Crazy Clouds. Zen Radicals, Rebels & Reformers
Beswick, Ethel  Jataka Tales. Birth Stories of The Buddha.
Bhikka, Buddhadasa  Heartwood of the Bodhi Tree. The Buddha's Teaching on Voidness
Bhikkhu Nanamoli  The Life of the Buddha. As it appeared in the Pali Canon, the oldest authentic record.
Blofeld, John  In Search of the Goddess of Compassion.The Mystical Cult of Kuan Yin.
Blofeld, John  The Wheel of Life. The Autobiography of a Western Buddhist
Boisselier, Jean  The Wisdom of the Buddha
Bucknell, Roderick S & stuart-Fox, Martin  The Twilight Language. Explorations in Buddhist Meditation and Symbolism
Buddhadasa Bhikkhu  Handbook for Mankind
Carus, Paul  The Gospel of Buddha
Chandra, Lokesh  Buddhist Icongraphy
Chang, Garma C C  The Buddhist Teaching of Totality. The Philosophy of Hwa Yen Buddhism
Cleary, Thomas  Entry into the Inconceivable. An Introduction to Hua-Yen Buddhism
Conze, Edward  A Short History of Buddhism
Conze, Edward  Buddhist Wisdom Books - The Diamond and the Heart Sutra
Conze, Edward, Horner, I B, SnellgroveDavid & Waley Arthur (Translated & edited)  Buddhist Texts through the Ages
Dumoulin, Heinrich  Zen Enlightenment. Origins and Meaning
Easwaran, Eknath  Meditation. Commonsense Directions for an Uncommon Life
Edited by Batchelor, Stephen  The Jewel in the Lotus. A Guide to the Buddhist Traditions of Tibet
Edited by Meckel, Daniel J and Moore, Robert L  Self and Liberation. The Jung / Buddhism Dialogue
Emmerick, R E  The Sutra of Golden Light. Being a translation of the Suvarnabhasottamasutra
Frederic, Louis  Buddhism. Flammarion Iconographic Guides
Friedman, Lenore  Meetings with Remarkable Women. Buddhist Teachers in America
Geshe Kelsang Gyatso  A Meditation Handbook
Geshe Rabten  Song of the Profound View
Geshe Rabten  The Esential Nectar. Meditations on the Buddhist Path
Getty, Alice  The Gods of Northern Buddhism
Gibson, Morgan & Murakami, Hiroshi  Tantric Poetry of Kukai (Kobo Daishi) Japan's Buddhist Saint
Govinda, Lama Anagarika  Creative Meditation and Multi-Dimensional Consciousness
Govinda, Li Gotami  Tibet in Pictures. A Journey into the Past. Volume 1
Govinda, Li Gotami  Tibet in Pictures. A Journey into the Past. Volume 2
Griffiths, Bede  Return to the Centre
Guru Rinpoche according to Karma Lingpa  The Tibetan Book of the Dead. The Great Liberation through Hearing in the Bardo
Gyaltsen,Khenpo Konchog  The Great Kagyu Masters. The Golden Lineage Treasury
Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang  Heart of Wisdom. A commentary to the Heart Sutra
Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang  Joyful Path of Good Fortune. The Stages of the Path to Enlightenment
Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang  The Bhodisattva Vow. The Essential Practices of Mahayana Buddhism
Hai, Hui  The Zen Teaching of Instantaneous Awakening
Hakuin, Zen Master  The Essential Teachings of Zen Master Hakuin
Hart, William  The Art of Living. Vipassana Meditation as taught by S N Goenka
Harvey, Peter  An introduction to Buddhism
Herbert, Patricia M  The Life of the Buddha
His Holiness The Dalai Lama  A Flash of Lightening in the Dark of Night. A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life
His Holiness The Dalai Lama  An Open Heart. Practising Compassion in Everyday Life
His Holiness The Dalai Lama  The Opening of the Wisdom-Eye
His Holiness The Dalai Lama  Transcendant Wisdom. A Commentary on the Ninth Chapter of Shantiveda's Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life
Hopkins, Jeffrey  Meditation on Emptiness
Hopkins, Jeffrey  The Tantric Distinction. An Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism
Huber, Cheri  Trying to be Human. Zen Talks
Humphreys, Christmas  The Wisdom of Buddhism
Ikeda, Daisaku  Buddhism the First Millenium
Irie, Taikichi and Aoyama, Shigeru  Buddhist Images
Jackson, David P & Janice A  Tibetan Thangka Painting Methods & Materials
Kapleau, Roshi Philip  The Three Pillars of Zen
Khong, Sister Chan  Learning True Love. How I Learned and Practiced Social Change in Vietnam
Khosla, Romi  Buddhist Monastries in the Western Himalaya
Kiyota, Minoru  Shingon Buddhism.Theory and Practice
Kornfield, Jack  Living Buddhist Masters
Kornfield, Jack & Breiter, Paul  A Still Forest Pool
Kraft, Kenneth (edited by)  Zen Tradition and Transition. An overview of Zen in the Modern World
Kukai  Kukai: Major Works
Lama Anagarika Govinda  Insights of a Himalayan Pilgrim
Layman P'ang  A Man of Zen
Leggett, Trevor  A First Zen Reader
Lessing, F D & Wayman, A  Introduction to the Buddhist Tantric Systems
Levine, Stephen  A Gradual Awakening. A Guide to Greater Awareness
Longchenpa  Kindly Bent to Ease Us. Part One: Mind
Longchenpa  Kindly Bent to Ease Us. Part Three: Wonderment
Longchenpa  Kindly Bent to Ease Us. Part Two: Meditation
Loori, Jogn Daido  Two Arrows meeting Mid Air -The Zen Koan
Loori, John Daido  Mountain Record of Zen Talks
Loori, John Daido (edited by)  The Art of Just Sitting
Low, Albert  The Iron Cow of Zen
Mackenzie, Vicki  Cave in the Snow
Mackenzie, Vicki  Why Buddhism? Westerners in search of wisdom
Mann, Robert & Youd, Rose  Buddhism: The Plain Facts
Mawdsley, James  The Heart Must Break - The Fight for Democracy and Truth in Burma
McCurry, Steve  Sanctuary. The Temples of Angkor
Merzel, Dennis Genpo  The Eye Never Sleeps. Striking to the Heart of Zen
Milarepa  The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa. Volume One
Milarepa  The Hundred Thousand Songs of Milarepa. Volume Two
Nanayon, Upasaka Kee  An Unentangled Knowing. Lessons in Training the Mind
Norbu, Namkhai  Dzogchen The Self-Perfected State
Norbu, Thinley  The Small Golden Key to the Treasure of the Varius Essential Necessities of General and Extraordinary Buddhist Dharma
Paine, Jeffrey  Re-Enchantment. Tibetan Buddhism Comes to the West
Pandita, Sayadaw U  In This Very Life. The Liberation Teachings of the Buddha
Photographs and narrative by Matthieu Ricard  Journey to Enlightenment. The Life and World of Khyentse Rinpoche, Spiritual Teacher from Tibet
Po, Huang  The Zen Teaching of HUANG PO.On the Transmission of Mind
Rabten Geshe  Echoes of Voidness
Rahula, Walpola  Zen and the Taming of the Bull. Towards the Definition of Buddhist Thought
Reps, Paul  Zen Flesh, Zen Bones
Rhys Davids, T W  Buddhist India
Rimpoche, Dhardo  A Celebration
Rinbochay, Khetsun Sangpo  Tantric Practise in Nying-ma
Rinpoche, Dilgo Khyentse  The Excellent Path to Enlightenment
Rinpoche, Pabongka  Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand. A concise discourse on the path to enlightenment
Rinpoche, Paul  The Heart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones
Rinpoche, Sogyal  The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying
Robinson, Richard H & Johnson,Willard L  The Buddhist Religion. A Historical Introduction
Sambhava, Padma  The Tibetan Book of the Dead
Sangharakshita  Flame in Darkness - The Life and Sayings of Anagarika Dharmapala
Sangharakshita  Travel Letters
Santideva  The Bodhicaryavatara
Saunders, E Dale  Mudra.
Schumann, H W  The Historical Buddha
Scott, David & Doubleday, Tony  The Elements of Zen
Scott, David and Doubleday, Tony  The Elements of Zen
Seckel, Dietrich  Art of the World - The Art of Buddhism  The Jewel Ornament of Liberation
Shantideva  A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life
Silananda, Venerable U  The Four Foundations of Mindfulness
Smith, David  A Record of Awakening. Practice and Insight on the Buddhist Path.
Snellgrove, David & Richardson, Hugh  A Cultural History of Tibet
Snellgrove, David L  Himalayan Pilgrimage
Snelling, John  The Buddhist Handbook
Sparham, Gareth  The Tibetan Dhammapada. Sayings of the Buddha
Strong, John S.  The Experience of Buddhism. Sources and Interpretations
Subhuti  Bringing Buddhism to the West. A Life of Sangaharakshita
Suzuki & Goddard  The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana and its Commentary, The Principle and Practice of Mahayana Buddhism
Suzuki, D T  Essays in Zen Buddhism
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro  Manual of Zen Buddhism
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro  Studies in the Lankavatara Sutra
Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro  The Essence of Buddhism
Tanahashi, Kazuaki  Penetrating Laughter. Hakuin's Zen & Art
Thera, Nyanaponika  The Heart of Buddhist Meditation
Thien-An, Thich  Zen Philosopy, Zen Practice
Thurman,Robert A F  Inside Tibetan Buddhism: Rituals and Symbols Revealed
Trungpa, Chogyam  Born in Tibet
Trungpa, Chogyam  Glimpses of Abhidharma
Tsong-ka-pa  Tantra in Tibet. The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra. Introduced by His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama.
Tsongkapa  The Principal Teachings of Buddhism
Tulka, Tarthang  Skillful Means - Patterns for Success
Tulku, Tarthang  Gesture of Balance
Tulku, Tarthang  Hidden Mind of Freedom
Tulku, Tarthang  Knowledge of Freedom
Tulku, Tarthang  Reflections of Mind
Van de Wetering, Janwillem  The Empty Mirror. Experiences in a Japanese Zen Monastery.
Various  Sharpham Miscellany
Ven. Narada  The Buddha and His Teachings
Vimalakirti  The Holy Teaching of Vimalakirti. A Mahayana Scripture
Wangchen,Geshe Namgyal  Awakening the Mind of Enlightenment. Meditations on the Buddhist Path
Wayman, Alex and Hideko  The Lion's Roar of Queen Srimala
Williams, Paul  Mahayana Buddhism. The Doctrinal Foundations
Wood, Ernest  Zen Dictionary
Yasutani, Hakuun  Flowers Fall
Yokoi, Yuho  Zen Master Dogen. An Introduction with Selected Writings
Zwalf, W (edited by)  Buddhism. Art and Faith
  A Primer of Soto Zen. A translation of Dogen's Shobogenzo Zuimonki
  Crystal Mirror - Volume VII
  Crytal Mirror - Volume IV
  Scripture of the Lotus Blossom of the Fine Dharma (The Lotus Sutra). Translated from the Chinese of Kumarajiva
  The Bodhisattva Doctine in Buddhism
  The Diamond Sutra & The Sutra of Hui-Neng
  The Door of Liberation.
  The Flower Ornament Scripture - Volume Two. The Avatamsaka Sutra
  The Flower Ornament Scripture. The Avatamsaka Sutra. Volume One
  The Flower Ornament Scripture. The Avatamsaka Sutra. Volume Three
  The Lankavatara Sutra. A Mahayana Text
  The Life of Milarepa
  The Minor Anthologies of the Pali Canon - Part II
  The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines & its Verse Summary
  The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch. The text of the TUN-HUANG manuscript
  The Sutta-Nipata
  The Zen Teaching of Rinzai